Hell cancels KIT 12

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Beitragvon Oliver/Keep-It-True » 16. Februar 2009, 16:02

English version below:

Hallo Freunde,

leider muss noch eine weitere Band KEEP IT TRUE 12 absagen. HELL werden leider nicht spielen, da sich Gitarrist Kevin Bower einer dringenden Operation unterziehen muss. Hier das offizielle Statement:

It is with great regret that HELL (UK) have been forced to cancel their
appearance at KIT 12. Kev Bower, the band's guitarist and synthesizer
player, was today informed that he must have immediate abdominal
(stomach) surgery to treat a problem which will become very dangerous if
not treated straight away, and his surgeon has warned him that an 8-10
week recovery period is the minimum required after this. Since Kev
performs such a complex 2-part role within the band, finding a
replacement is impossible given the close proximity of the show. HELL's
first European appearance had generated great interest amongst metal
fans - to the extent that some die-hards were actually travelling from
the USA to see the show. This decision has been extremely sad, and HELL
would like to offer their sincere apologies to all who were looking
forward to seeing them. Our great thanks go to Oliver and all involved
with KIT for inviting us - HELL very much hopes to see everyone at
another KIT, another time.
Wir wĂŒnschen Kevin das Beste und hoffen dass alles gut geht.
Der Ersatz fĂŒr HELL ist bereits gebucht, wir können ihn aber leider erst am 30. MĂ€rz bekannt geben. Bitte habt noch etwas Geduld. Es lohnt sich definitiv.

Metal On,

Oli + Tarek

English version:

Hi friends,

unfortunally another band has to cancel their show at KEEP IT TRUE 12. HELL will not be playing, because guitarist Kev Bower has to undergo surgery. Here is the full press statement:

It is with great regret that HELL (UK) have been forced to cancel their
appearance at KIT 12. Kev Bower, the band's guitarist and synthesizer
player, was today informed that he must have immediate abdominal
(stomach) surgery to treat a problem which will become very dangerous if
not treated straight away, and his surgeon has warned him that an 8-10
week recovery period is the minimum required after this. Since Kev
performs such a complex 2-part role within the band, finding a
replacement is impossible given the close proximity of the show. HELL's
first European appearance had generated great interest amongst metal
fans - to the extent that some die-hards were actually travelling from
the USA to see the show. This decision has been extremely sad, and HELL
would like to offer their sincere apologies to all who were looking
forward to seeing them. Our great thanks go to Oliver and all involved
with KIT for inviting us - HELL very much hopes to see everyone at
another KIT, another time.

We wish Kevin all the best and hope he will be well soon.
The replacement for HELL is already booked, but we have to wait with the announcement till March 30th. So please be patient, it will be worth the wait.

Metal On,

Oli + Tarek
"Valor pleases you, Crom...so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!"
BeitrÀge: 17627
Registriert: 8. Januar 2004, 15:01
Wohnort: Biebelried

Beitragvon MightyTior » 17. Februar 2009, 13:09

Ersatz wird denn, logischerweise, HEAVEN sein, oder? B)

BeitrÀge: 176
Registriert: 24. April 2004, 00:30

Beitragvon Christian Friedrich » 17. Februar 2009, 13:48

MightyTior hat geschrieben: Ersatz wird denn, logischerweise, HEAVEN sein, oder? B)


Nee, die kommen dann gemeinsam mit HELL zum KIT 13, damit Oli keine Probleme hat ein anstÀndiges Motto zu finden :D
Christian Friedrich
US Metal-Kenner
BeitrÀge: 634
Registriert: 27. MĂ€rz 2008, 15:16

Beitragvon Forbidden Evil » 17. Februar 2009, 14:06

könnte fĂŒr verwirrung sorgen wenn plötzlich auffem flyer heaven & hell steht ;)
Die Mucke

Forbidden Evil
BeitrÀge: 1969
Registriert: 14. Juli 2006, 16:51

Beitragvon Nolli » 17. Februar 2009, 17:43

Das ist nicht Verwirrung, das ist Marketing! :D
BeitrÀge: 3368
Registriert: 21. September 2007, 17:05

Beitragvon Christian Friedrich » 17. Februar 2009, 17:53

...und sowas von true!
Christian Friedrich
US Metal-Kenner
BeitrÀge: 634
Registriert: 27. MĂ€rz 2008, 15:16

Beitragvon Metal Dundee » 18. Februar 2009, 10:29

MightyTior hat geschrieben: Ersatz wird denn, logischerweise, HEAVEN sein, oder? B)


DafĂŒr wĂŒrd ich natĂŒrlich auf Knien ans KIT rutschen :D
Metal Dundee
BeitrÀge: 1041
Registriert: 11. September 2007, 14:52
Wohnort: Ittigen-Switzerland

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