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Beitragvon Jowita » 2. Juli 2014, 21:01

Here comes the next band signing announcement: ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS has joined our roster! Even though in this case a "project" would be probably a more appropriate word, as this Maltese scene veteran (known from the Doom Metal institutions FORSAKEN and NOMAD SON) took over all instruments apart from drums here. We are chuffed to be working again with Albert, who's not only an accomplished songwriter and musician, an active supporter of the scene but also a personal friend. Some fans of FORSAKEN and NOMAD SON will be for sure surprised upon hearing his solo project. Not only because it will be the first time they'd hear him sing, but also because of the style: instead of epic or traditional Doom, Albert's darker inspirations come to the fore, from early '80s bands mixing Black, Thrash and Doom, to the '90s Mediterranean Black Metal and more epic and arcane Metal. Imagine early TĂ–RR, NEMESIS, CELTIC FROST, later ZEMIAL, MORTUARY DRAPE, early DEATH SS and PAUL CHAIN, ROOT, VENOM, THE BLACK (Italy), later BATHORY and DEMONAZ, all put into one cauldron, and you'll get an idea what the music on "Deus Volt" sounds like. One song off this concept album, "The Tears of Ishtar" was released on our new compilation "Compendium of Metal Vol. 7" - you can listen to it also online, from our Bandcamp page.

Albert commented:
"I'm delighted to be joining forces with Metal on Metal Records again for this new project. Jowita and Simone leave no stone unturned when it comes to promoting their bands... and moreover, and equally importantly, they are total worshippers of the arcane path of the old school. So I didn't have any doubts about working with them with Sacro Sanctus... in fact, I didn't even think of approaching another record label! haha. All Hail, MOMR!"

Watch for ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS debut full-length this autumn, as it's set to be released at the Swordbrothers festival on September 13th. In the meantime, Albert has already started the basics for the pre-production of his 2nd album, so who knows what the future will bring... perhaps it will evolve into a full-fledged band playing shows.

You can find out much more not only about Albert's new project but also about his metal trajectory so far (starting from Speed/Thrash Metal bands he was in the '80s) on the ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS page.

Beiträge: 158
Registriert: 1. März 2011, 22:02
Wohnort: Italy


Beitragvon Metalfranze » 2. Juli 2014, 21:59

Good news!
Liaba lebendig ois normal!
Beiträge: 3213
Registriert: 22. Juli 2009, 21:23
Wohnort: In Loam z´Minga dahoam


Beitragvon Jowita » 12. November 2014, 19:26

On November 14th, at Hammer of Doom festival, we'll release the first solo album of the Maltese doom metal scene veteran Albert Bell (known mostly for his albums with FORSAKEN and NOMAD SON, but also as the organizer of the Malta Doom Metal festival). ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS "Deus Volt" stylistically is quite different from his other bands, as it can be best described as arcane heavy doom, steeped in the primeval sounds and atmosphere of the early black/thrash metal, so definitely more extreme stuff, and the vocals are acquired taste too. One can also trace here nods to epic metal and the dark soundscapes typical of the Italian and Hellenic metal scenes. As Albert stated himself: "No sludge, no goth, no stoner, no post anything! Only doom with a heavy dose of true metal in its pristine hues!"

Those attending the HOD fest can buy "Deus Volt" CD directly from us, as we'll have a table space for selling there. Otherwise you can still pre-order it from SHOP page with 2 Euro discount, until tomorrow midnight. And additionally, until then there are still GERMAN shipping rates.

Check out the short promo clip for the album (featuring a fragment of "At the Horns of Hattin" song):

Two songs off the album, "Arcana Imperii" and "Deus Volt (The Siege of Ascalon)" are also on our YouTube, and the aforementioned songs plus "Beatification of the Dead" can be streamed from our Bandcamp page (from where the album is available for digital download pre-order).

You can find more info about "Deus Volt" on the page of this release.

Beiträge: 158
Registriert: 1. März 2011, 22:02
Wohnort: Italy


Beitragvon Hugin » 18. November 2014, 01:38

Damn cool album, Jowita!

Not having read the promo info above before my first spin, it's quite a bit rougher, especially vocalwise, than I would've expected. I really like the fact, that it's not a spin-off of Forsaken or Nomad Son, but that it has a much darker atmosphere and also quite some parallels to more extreme but still doomy Metal styles.

Review is in the making. It will take another couple of days to get it finished, but it might be a good result.

"It takes a thousand fans from any other band to make one Manowarrior!"
- Sir Dr. Joey DeMaio, 2012


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Leather Lucifer
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Beitragvon Jowita » 4. Dezember 2014, 18:49

Hugin hat geschrieben:Damn cool album, Jowita!

Not having read the promo info above before my first spin, it's quite a bit rougher, especially vocalwise, than I would've expected. I really like the fact, that it's not a spin-off of Forsaken or Nomad Son, but that it has a much darker atmosphere and also quite some parallels to more extreme but still doomy Metal styles.

Review is in the making. It will take another couple of days to get it finished, but it might be a good result.


Great to hear you think the same. Yeah, Albert definitely wanted to do something different... that's why we said some people who know him because of FORSAKEN and NOMAD SON might be surprised. ;) But those who know Albert personally, know he's really into the 1st wave of black metal and thrash too.
We'll be looking forward to your review!
Beiträge: 158
Registriert: 1. März 2011, 22:02
Wohnort: Italy

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