"I would never do a Judas Priest reunion. I'm not just saying that now and five years from now I'm gonna be on stage with Priest again. [ROTFL!!!!] I value my personal creativity and my integrity more than a few dollars in the bank. It's never the same the second time around, especially when there's something more attached to it than the music. Reunions smack of big dollars, instead of people feeling that they want to go out and play music together. That's not to dis some of these people who have gotten together: I love Fleetwood Mac. It's still to me, the same thing. There's something about that band and that music, that defies time, but doesn't make it cheesy. Some other bands with the bulging waistline, and the receding hair...let me get my old videos out. That's being bitter and cynical, and so be it, but that's just the way it is from my perspective."
- Rob Halford, NY Rock, March 1998
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