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BeitragVerfasst: 14. März 2007, 22:15
von big mouth
From Blabbermouth:

EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt has issued the following update:

"I'd like to take a moment here and welcome back Tom Hunting to EXODUS' drum throne. It was always understood that when and if Tom was ever ready to resume his drumming duties for the band, his seat would be waiting. Paul [Bostaph] always knew this, and was the first to say it upon joining the band. Paul and Tom have always been good friends and we, as a band, cannot thank Paul enough for his services on 'Shovel Headed Kill Machine' and all the subsequent tours he did to support that album. We had a great time and kicked many asses along the way. Paul has given this reunion his whole-hearted endorsement with no mixed blessings and is happy to see Tom back in the fold. Now, some band out there may just become the luckiest bunch of suckers in the world, because one hell of a drum is on the market! We wish Paul all the best, and he will always be a member of the extended EXODUS family.

What do you think about this you guys?

BeitragVerfasst: 15. März 2007, 15:48
von Forbidden Evil
i think nothing about this. the last albums were so weak that i think it will change nothing.

BeitragVerfasst: 15. März 2007, 16:30
von NegatroN
It's great. Hunting is one of the best thrash drummers and in my opinion far better than Bostaph.
I liked the last two albums and look forward to the next. And especially to the next tour with Hunting back on drums.

BeitragVerfasst: 23. März 2007, 00:06
von steelreign
Yeah, I agree. I think live it might be a great thing, but who knows - maybe he can re-infuse some old school energy and songwriting back into the band. That would be nice!!