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Beitragvon Prof » 7. Oktober 2009, 15:52

Von US-Metalspace:

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Latest word from Armored Saint - October 1, 2009
ARMORED SAINT begins recording new full-length studio album!

Legendary metalers Armored Saint enters Tranzformer Studios in Burbank, CA to record first studio album since 2000’s ‘Revelation’.

Los Angeles, CA, October 1, 2009 – Los Angeles’ sons of metal, ARMORED SAINT, are set to enter Tranzformer Studios in Burbank, CA to begin recording the band’s 6th full-length studio album. Tranzformer Studios is owned by Dave Jerdan (Alice in Chains, Jane’s Addiction, etc) who produced ARMORED SAINT’s 1991 classic Symbol of Salvation and Bryan Carlstrom who handled engineering on the same album. The SAINT will be working with Bryan Carlstrom who will once again handle engineering duties with the bands very own Joey Vera producing, and both Joey and Bryan mixing the record. A partial song list for the upcoming album, which is expected to hit streets in the spring 2010 is: Black Feet, Chilled, Loose Cannon, Blues, La Raza, Head On, Get off the Fence, Left Hook From Right Field.

Here’s what ARMORED SAINT vocalist John Bush had to say about how the new album came together:

“About a year and a half or so ago Joey asked me if I'd be interested in writing some songs. I was in the right mind finally, so I said send me something. To be quite honest, I wasn't thinking in terms of ARMORED SAINT but more like just writing rock music. I felt pretty free with that mentality and the ideas felt very organic. With every passing song things improved and next thing we knew we had about eight songs demoed. Although the idea of sparking something completely new was appealing it became clear that if it was Joey and I the reality was, let's not kid ourselves; this is ARMORED SAINT.

So here it comes. Embracing my inner R&B singer and coupling that with our influence of the great seventy's hard rock band's we grew up on.”

ARMORED SAINT bassist Joey Vera comments:

“John and I began writing over 14 months ago and in the beginning we had only a general musical direction in which we were going. Once we decided to keep writing and with more of an intention of turning it into an ARMORED SAINT project, we were faced with a few questions. One was, how does this new music we're writing fit into the current musical styles of today? And should we care? We quickly answered the latter. We realized we should do what we always did and that is to write good songs. And for ourselves first. We are not unaware of our parameters in which we have created over the past 25 years, but we are also not afraid to take chances and simply do what we do best. The idea of trying to continue where we left off over 10 years ago since our last release is not very appealing to me. I have to let go of what I did in 1991 and in 2000. Nothing at all against what we've recorded in the past but my head is in a different place now. Trust me; I still want to kill your senses with music, but just in a different way.”

To get a taste of what the new ARMORED SAINT album will sound like, head over to the band’s MySpace page HERE where ARMORED SAINT is streaming the demo version of Loose Cannon (performed with a drum program). Loose Cannon gives fans a glimpse into ARMORED SAINT’s writing process and is also a nice taste of what’s to come on the band’s forthcoming full-length studio release.

Expect the new album from ARMORED SAINT to be released in the spring of 2010. Plenty of studio blogs, photos, and video will be posted to the band’s MySpace page and fans can also keep up with the band in the studio through Twitter HERE.
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Oliver/Keep-It-True » 7. Oktober 2009, 15:54

Meine Erwartungen sind so eher im mittleren Bereich angesiedelt...
"Valor pleases you, grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!"
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Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Prof » 7. Oktober 2009, 15:57

Oliver/Keep-It-True hat geschrieben:Meine Erwartungen sind so eher im mittleren Bereich angesiedelt...

Wenn man die Aussagen von Joey Vera wortwörtlich nimmt geht's mir genauso. Aber wie immer wird die Suppe undsoweiterundsofort. Und du warst ja bezĂŒglich Ram und 'Lightbringer' auch skeptisch. :harrr:
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Mirco » 7. Oktober 2009, 20:56

Fand Revelation "nur" okay, aber eine Band wie Armored Saint hat so viel Kredit dass die neue Scheibe fieberhaft erwartet und angecheckt wird.
"Wir wollen eure Hirne aus der SchÀdeldecke nehmen, ein wenig mit ihnen herumspielen und sie dann verkehrt herum wieder einsetzen."
(Chris Reifert, Autopsy)

Zum Protzen:
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Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon MetalMueller1807 » 12. Oktober 2009, 10:46

Ich fand "Revelation" auch "nur" OK... Mein ewiger Favorit wird wohl "Symbol of Salvation" bleiben!

Aber ich habe den neuen Song "Loose Cannon" gerade mal gehört, und muss sagen: Ich finde ihn wirklich ziemlich geil! :yeah:
US Metal-Kenner
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Registriert: 1. MĂ€rz 2009, 19:10
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Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Prof » 5. November 2009, 17:13

Von MySpace:

Armored Saint started mixing the new album this week. The guys are making real good progress. Gonzo, Joey and Jeff have all had positive things to say about the monster that this album is turning out to be. You can get more detailed updates by adding Armored Saint on Twitter. It's the band adding those updates and not me, so it's all straight from them. Check it out at:

Da ich nicht zwitschere muss ich wohl warten bis einer von den Jungs etwas im Blog schreibt.
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Klosterbomber » 6. November 2009, 12:13

jetzt mĂŒssen sie nur noch den KIT Gig fĂŒr ne Bonus DVD kaufen :smile2:
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Wohnort: Hell

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Prof » 2. Dezember 2009, 22:54

Update aus dem MetalBlade-Newsletter:

"After six weeks, the new ARMORED SAINT record is done. Well, not entirely
 we still have to have it mastered which should be done in the next two weeks. So technically, there's plenty of time for more arbitrary bouts of stress. But all of the tunes have been recorded and mixed. And I have the dark circles under my eyes to prove it!

"As the producer of the record, I did in fact work very long and hard on this. But I didn't work alone. Everyone involved worked their asses off. Gonzo [Sandoval, drums], John [Bush, vocals], Phil [Sandoval, guitar] and Jeff [Duncan, guitar] all came in and gave it everything. Engineer Bryan Carlstrom and his assistant John Nuss were the workhorses who kept up the pace in this session which for the most part meant putting in 12-14-hour days.”

"I can't say enough about Bryan, Nuss and Annette Cisneros from Tranzformer Studios in Burbank. This is a first-class operation and to boot, they all gave heart and soul into the project which these days you just cannot even pay for. We are in much debt with them. Truly wonderful people.”

"The result is just amazing, and I may be hasty when I say that this may be our best record ever. But all dopes in bands say that right? Well, this time I think it's true and although my reasons may be purely personal, I still deem it truth. The songs are great and it sounds great.”

"The title of our new record is La Raza which means 'The Race'.”

"For all of you tech nerds out there, a few quick bits on how we made this one: We used nothing but analog gear, most of which was custom-built by Rupert Neve for Bryan Carlstrom. We hit every signal (drum mics, guitars, vocals) with custom or vintage analog gear before recording into Pro Tools. We even used rare vintage amps for most of the guitar overdubs. At mix time, we mixed on an SSL 4000E console and went to a one-inch tape reel (one of only two on the West Coast) for our final masters. Uh
you DO know what tape is, don't you?”

"What does this all mean? It means we spit in the ear of the age of the MP3, teenie, tiny ear bud listening culture that has turned it's back on what it means to experience music. This record is FAT. We means, obese! Full-on cardiovascular failure stuff! Old school, baby!”

"We are finishing up the other crap that goes with making records. Photo shoots, CD artwork (you DO know what a CD is still, right?), mastering, the running order of the tunes. After that, we wait until it is released.”

La Raza will feature the following songs, among others:
* Black Feet
* Chilled
* Loose Cannon
* Blues
* La Raza
* Head On
* Get Off The Fence
* Left Hook From Right Field

La Raza will be released in March 2010 on Metal Blade Records!
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Forbidden Evil » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:01

danke fĂŒr die info!
im mÀrz also, schön, der monat meiner verhÀngnisvollen geburt.
Die Mucke

Forbidden Evil
BeitrÀge: 1969
Registriert: 14. Juli 2006, 16:51

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Prof » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:09

Forbidden Evil hat geschrieben:danke fĂŒr die info!
im mÀrz also, schön, der monat meiner verhÀngnisvollen geburt.

BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon holg » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:32

Vielen Dank Herr Prof. You made me smile. If only a little. Which is much for me;)
Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 10994
Registriert: 4. Oktober 2005, 12:56

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Ulle » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:36

Ich bin mal gespannt :smile2:
Die bisherigen Hörproben klangen jetzt nicht unbedingt nach dem besten Album der Karriere...
Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 13474
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 21:37

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Prof » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:36

holg hat geschrieben:Vielen Dank Herr Prof. You made me smile. If only a little. Which is much for me;)

When depressed, ask Prof. :smile2:
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon holg » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:37

Prof hat geschrieben:
holg hat geschrieben:Vielen Dank Herr Prof. You made me smile. If only a little. Which is much for me;)

When depressed, ask Prof. :smile2:

Emo-Emu is gone;)
Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 10994
Registriert: 4. Oktober 2005, 12:56

Re: Neues Armored Saint-Werk in der Mache. Demo-Track online.

Beitragvon Prof » 2. Dezember 2009, 23:40

holg hat geschrieben:
Prof hat geschrieben:
holg hat geschrieben:Vielen Dank Herr Prof. You made me smile. If only a little. Which is much for me;)

When depressed, ask Prof. :smile2:

Emo-Emu is gone;)

So I see. Affiger Affe ist die neue Pizza.
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28


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