Hard N'Heavy News

Schreibt euch die Finger wund über das große Thema "Metal" - über neue Platten, neue Bands, Konzerte etc.

Moderator: Loomis

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Hofi » 31. Januar 2020, 16:19

Volle Konzentration auf Fisimatenten:

Nachdem es lange ruhig um uns war und wir auch nicht mehr so richtig in die Pötte gekommen sind, haben wir gestern bei ein paar Bierchen beschlossen, das Kapitel LANFEAR zu schließen. Die Gründe sind verschieden und natürlich dennoch immer die gleichen - wie woanders eben auch. Neue oder andere Prioritäten, Familie, Gesundheit, mangelnde Motivation, Faulheit…eine perfekte Mischung aus allem eben :)

Es wurden einige neue Songs geschrieben, aber in den bald vier Jahren seit unserem letzten Album „The Code Inherited“ haben wir es noch nicht einmal geschafft diese einzuproben, geschweige denn aufzunehmen. Irgendwann fährt dann eben auch der letzte Zug ab und man hat einfach keine Lust mehr, wieder von vorne anzufangen.

Natürlich sind wir nicht aus der Welt, verstehen uns nach wie vor blendend und sind ja auch größtenteils noch in weiteren Bands aktiv.
Wir haben unserer Meinung nach ein paar schöne Alben aufgenommen, Gigs im In- und Ausland gespielt, jede Menge tolle Menschen kennengelernt und hatten auch ein Wörtchen mitzureden – wenn eben auch nur ein kleines. Für eine Band, die vor 26 Jahren einfach mal ein Demo aufnehmen wollte, sind insgesamt sieben Alben ja auch gar nicht mal so übel.

Es ist auch nicht komplett ausgeschlossen, dass der eine oder andere neue Song vielleicht dennoch irgendwann seinen Weg an die Öffentlichkeit findet, aber das wird dann wohl nicht unter dem Namen LANFEAR sein.

Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die uns über die ganzen Jahre unterstützt und nie das Interesse verloren haben. Es ist schön zu wissen, dass die eigene Musik anderen was bedeutet. Bleibt wie ihr seid und benutzt zum Hören die Ohren, nicht die Augen. Gerade das macht heutzutage den großen Unterschied.
Nuno, Ulle, Kai, Richie und Gen

Sacrifice to vice or die by the hand of the Sinner!
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Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Pavlos » 31. Januar 2020, 19:41

Verdammt schade, aber irgendwie auch nachvollziehbar.
Ambassador Of Love
Beiträge: 24821
Registriert: 20. März 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Cromwell » 31. Januar 2020, 20:41

Ulle demnächst in Vollzeit dritter Gitarrist beim Kodex? Ich erlaube es! :yeah:
Und schon wieder geh'n wir zum Chinesen.
Beiträge: 3336
Registriert: 18. Mai 2010, 20:15

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Siebi » 31. Januar 2020, 21:29

Nix da! Kapuze drüber und all hail Fisimatenten!
Ich meld' mich freiwiilig als Drum-PC-Roadie und besorge die Chicks. *gacker* 'kreisch* frei nach R. König
Beiträge: 18470
Registriert: 22. Juli 2007, 13:08

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Flossensauger » 31. Januar 2020, 22:30

*gacker* 'kreisch* frei nach R. König[/quote]


Macht ja textlich durchaus was her so ein Ralph König / Atlantean Kodex Gemeinwesen. Bin Fan. Blaibt mehr C. Baier für mich.
Beiträge: 3762
Registriert: 2. Juli 2013, 17:19

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Pavlos » 31. Januar 2020, 23:09

Ich möchte an dieser Stelle nochmal betonen, und der Ulle wird mir da sicherlich Recht geben, dass Fisimatenten, die sich momentan übrigens im "on hold" Modus befinden, nichts mit der Auflösung Lanfears zu tun haben....
Ambassador Of Love
Beiträge: 24821
Registriert: 20. März 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Dr. Best » 1. Februar 2020, 09:19

FnicK hat geschrieben:R.I.P. Sean Reinert.
Gründe sind unbekannt.


Franko hat geschrieben:Reed Mullin (ex Drummer von C.O.C. & SOURVEIN) ist ebenfalls leider von uns gegangen.
R.I.P. Reed -.-

Scheiß-Seite, ey. Zwei sehr geliebte Drummer meinerseits, denen ich schon stundenlang begeistert zugehört habe. Beide leider deutlich zu jung gegangen -.-
- The sound was so big I swear it created a new fjord behind us. -
Dr. Best
Beiträge: 4512
Registriert: 28. April 2009, 11:41
Wohnort: Brig

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Ulle » 1. Februar 2020, 12:13

Pavlos hat geschrieben:Ich möchte an dieser Stelle nochmal betonen, und der Ulle wird mir da sicherlich Recht geben, dass Fisimatenten, die sich momentan übrigens im "on hold" Modus befinden, nichts mit der Auflösung Lanfears zu tun haben....

Wir beide wissen, dass dem nicht so ist. Ich wünsche mir etwas mehr Ehrlichkeit in dieser Szene .mhmpf:
Sacred Metal-Legende
Beiträge: 13474
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 21:37

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Franko » 1. Februar 2020, 12:26

Ich bin jetzt nicht begeistert... :ehm:
Leather Lucifer
Beiträge: 8680
Registriert: 30. Juli 2007, 20:30

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Pavlos » 1. Februar 2020, 21:51

Agent Steel erfüllen mal wieder sämtliche Erwartungen und weigern sich auf dem kommenden Up The Hammers mit Riot City auf der selben Bühne zu stehen. Angeblich soll einer der Riot Cityaner Herrn Cyriis beleidigt haben...

A disheartening and disturbing statement from Niklaas Cyriis — JC/AS Facebook admin — and the family of John Cyriis — regarding Up the Hammers festival 2020. Agent Steel were very enthusiastic as to taking the stage os Friday night’s headliner at Up the Hammers Festival 2020, until a very disturbing event came about — which seriously concerned our family. The screenshots seen below show the bassist Dustin Smith, of the band RIOT CITY, replying to one of my comments made on a mutual friend’s post. The clear and outright homophobic libelous assault on John Cyriis and myself, his family, clearly shows the extreme bias this bassist has towards my father and our family — adding insult to injury his ignorance extends to homophobic libelous assaults upon the family members of John Cyriis, such as myself being his son —administrator of this John Cyriis/Agent Steel Official Facebook page. What makes this bassist’s “modus operandi” ever more disturbing is— the fact that “when I reached out to the promoter” of “Up the Hammers Festival” — forwarding him the below screenshots, clearly demonstrating Mr Smith’s homophobic libelous assault on my father and I, for absolutely no reason — the promoter acted in a heartless, and rude manner as his response to my plight. Therefore, this gives us a clear-cut understanding that if the inverse were to be staged by my father, or anyone in the new AGENT STEEL, we have all reason to believe the promoter would not hesitate for one-second—to respond with an all-out attack against John and the band — like a shark in bloody water. Basically, these kinds of libelous homophobic assaults — splatted from the diarrhea-mouth of Mr Smith — clearly demonstrates not only his ignorance and disrespect for a veteran vocalist in the Heavy Metal genre, but also demanded narrates his unflinching disrespect toward the family of musicians for whom hec as about to open the Shaw at UTH 2020: My father and I, have never met Dustin Smith, let alone exchanged any words with him during any other instance - on Facebook. Despite being a straight male, I have personally been a supporter of people’s choice and freedom of sexual orientation, and have always been taught to admire my fathers freedom loving stance as a stern supporter - of the LGBTQ community, and everyone’s life-given right to choose whom to love. From the onset of Mr Smith’s reply (written on January 11th), our family have had several meetings, and we have approached our father with an ultimatum: We presented him with the ultimatum that he either stand firm for what is right, and for the rights of all who do not deserve to be slandered and assaulted on Facebook — especially by libelous homophobic commentary — and of course, for the dignity of our family, by approaching the promoter of UTH 2020 —with his own ultimatum — or we would disown him as a family member: My father John Cyriis, has agreed with our family, and decided to allow his personal rep. — my half-brother Slim — to instead present the promoter of UTH - with his own personal ultimatum. Slim clearly stated to the promoter of UTH — that for principles associated with morality, our family’s right to retain our dignity, and the rights of all musicians’ family members that they too be allotted the right to not have to endure the kind of assaults - such as the ones implemented by Mr Smith - Mr. John Cyriis has decided not take the same stage as Mr Smith, and his band, RIOT CITY. Long story short, after reaching out to the promoter of UTH a second time, he once more replied by bluntly stating “RIOT CITY will play, do you want to cancel?” I am staying here, on behalf of John Cyriis and Agent Steel before the public and fans that AGENT STEEL the Friday night headliner of UTH 2020 - have NOT chosen to cancel the show, but for principles clearly stated in this post, have instead to clarify to the promoter of UTH - that the band will not take the same stage as Mr. Dustin Smith and his band. So in all fairness, if the promoter chooses to take the high-road and support Mr Smith’s libelous homophobic assault on John and his family — and worse, choose RIOT CITY over the festival’s headliner AGENT STEEL — then fans should inquiry as to the possibility of a refund for their pre-purchased ticket — by reaching out to either RIOT CITY, or the promoters at UP THE HAMMERS. We at the Agent Steel headquarters are very disheartened, and we apologize to the fans who were eager to see the new AGENT STEEL live at Up the Hammers — who are in fact the lineup that is to appear on the forthcoming release ‘No Godz Before Me.’ Finalizing, as most may fathom by now, principle, and justice— always stands at the forefront of John Cyriis’ decision making, especially when it involves his family, and the right that people not be bullied by ignorant garage band mercenaries - who may be trolling for other losers and “WANNA BE’S”. Regardless of the consequences following our expected reaction from the promoter claiming the band has cancelled, and we state here for the band that Agent Steel have done no such thing, we hope that those who read this post are now better informed as to the true circumstances that led to John Cyriis’ decision—to not take the same stage as Dustin Smith and RIOT CITY on Friday night at Up The Hammers Festival 2020. And so let me make it clear that “the perpetrator that is responsible for John’s decision - is clearly Dustin Smith, and the promoters UTH — not john and Agent Steel.” ; Agent Steel would gladly take the stage should UTH promoters choose to cancel Riot City from the running order. In closing, I would like to make a statement on behalf of my father, and AGENT STEEL: “AGENT STEEL IS A WORLD BAND”, and is NOT limited to having to do business with those who stand ruthless, and opposed -to the band’s principles, which are clearly the rights for all people to be respected, and who should agree that all should stand firm - for the rights of people’s choice of personal relationships - and for the rights of the families of all musicians’ - that they be treated ethically, and “with the utmost respect”. Thusly, all musicians should work together in peace, support one another and stand strong for the genre of Metal music - we are fighting to keep alive!; all Metal musicians should be respected, and appreciated for all the great music they share with all of us...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD.” Cheers, Niklaas Cyriis John Cyriis/Agent Steel Facebook Admin

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ambassador Of Love
Beiträge: 24821
Registriert: 20. März 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Secret Of Steel » 1. Februar 2020, 22:55

Pavlos hat geschrieben:Agent Steel erfüllen mal wieder sämtliche Erwartungen und weigern sich auf dem kommenden Up The Hammers mit Riot City auf der selben Bühne zu stehen. Angeblich soll einer der Riot Cityaner Herrn Cyriis beleidigt haben...

A disheartening and disturbing statement from Niklaas Cyriis — JC/AS Facebook admin — and the family of John Cyriis — regarding Up the Hammers festival 2020. Agent Steel were very enthusiastic as to taking the stage os Friday night’s headliner at Up the Hammers Festival 2020, until a very disturbing event came about — which seriously concerned our family. The screenshots seen below show the bassist Dustin Smith, of the band RIOT CITY, replying to one of my comments made on a mutual friend’s post. The clear and outright homophobic libelous assault on John Cyriis and myself, his family, clearly shows the extreme bias this bassist has towards my father and our family — adding insult to injury his ignorance extends to homophobic libelous assaults upon the family members of John Cyriis, such as myself being his son —administrator of this John Cyriis/Agent Steel Official Facebook page. What makes this bassist’s “modus operandi” ever more disturbing is— the fact that “when I reached out to the promoter” of “Up the Hammers Festival” — forwarding him the below screenshots, clearly demonstrating Mr Smith’s homophobic libelous assault on my father and I, for absolutely no reason — the promoter acted in a heartless, and rude manner as his response to my plight. Therefore, this gives us a clear-cut understanding that if the inverse were to be staged by my father, or anyone in the new AGENT STEEL, we have all reason to believe the promoter would not hesitate for one-second—to respond with an all-out attack against John and the band — like a shark in bloody water. Basically, these kinds of libelous homophobic assaults — splatted from the diarrhea-mouth of Mr Smith — clearly demonstrates not only his ignorance and disrespect for a veteran vocalist in the Heavy Metal genre, but also demanded narrates his unflinching disrespect toward the family of musicians for whom hec as about to open the Shaw at UTH 2020: My father and I, have never met Dustin Smith, let alone exchanged any words with him during any other instance - on Facebook. Despite being a straight male, I have personally been a supporter of people’s choice and freedom of sexual orientation, and have always been taught to admire my fathers freedom loving stance as a stern supporter - of the LGBTQ community, and everyone’s life-given right to choose whom to love. From the onset of Mr Smith’s reply (written on January 11th), our family have had several meetings, and we have approached our father with an ultimatum: We presented him with the ultimatum that he either stand firm for what is right, and for the rights of all who do not deserve to be slandered and assaulted on Facebook — especially by libelous homophobic commentary — and of course, for the dignity of our family, by approaching the promoter of UTH 2020 —with his own ultimatum — or we would disown him as a family member: My father John Cyriis, has agreed with our family, and decided to allow his personal rep. — my half-brother Slim — to instead present the promoter of UTH - with his own personal ultimatum. Slim clearly stated to the promoter of UTH — that for principles associated with morality, our family’s right to retain our dignity, and the rights of all musicians’ family members that they too be allotted the right to not have to endure the kind of assaults - such as the ones implemented by Mr Smith - Mr. John Cyriis has decided not take the same stage as Mr Smith, and his band, RIOT CITY. Long story short, after reaching out to the promoter of UTH a second time, he once more replied by bluntly stating “RIOT CITY will play, do you want to cancel?” I am staying here, on behalf of John Cyriis and Agent Steel before the public and fans that AGENT STEEL the Friday night headliner of UTH 2020 - have NOT chosen to cancel the show, but for principles clearly stated in this post, have instead to clarify to the promoter of UTH - that the band will not take the same stage as Mr. Dustin Smith and his band. So in all fairness, if the promoter chooses to take the high-road and support Mr Smith’s libelous homophobic assault on John and his family — and worse, choose RIOT CITY over the festival’s headliner AGENT STEEL — then fans should inquiry as to the possibility of a refund for their pre-purchased ticket — by reaching out to either RIOT CITY, or the promoters at UP THE HAMMERS. We at the Agent Steel headquarters are very disheartened, and we apologize to the fans who were eager to see the new AGENT STEEL live at Up the Hammers — who are in fact the lineup that is to appear on the forthcoming release ‘No Godz Before Me.’ Finalizing, as most may fathom by now, principle, and justice— always stands at the forefront of John Cyriis’ decision making, especially when it involves his family, and the right that people not be bullied by ignorant garage band mercenaries - who may be trolling for other losers and “WANNA BE’S”. Regardless of the consequences following our expected reaction from the promoter claiming the band has cancelled, and we state here for the band that Agent Steel have done no such thing, we hope that those who read this post are now better informed as to the true circumstances that led to John Cyriis’ decision—to not take the same stage as Dustin Smith and RIOT CITY on Friday night at Up The Hammers Festival 2020. And so let me make it clear that “the perpetrator that is responsible for John’s decision - is clearly Dustin Smith, and the promoters UTH — not john and Agent Steel.” ; Agent Steel would gladly take the stage should UTH promoters choose to cancel Riot City from the running order. In closing, I would like to make a statement on behalf of my father, and AGENT STEEL: “AGENT STEEL IS A WORLD BAND”, and is NOT limited to having to do business with those who stand ruthless, and opposed -to the band’s principles, which are clearly the rights for all people to be respected, and who should agree that all should stand firm - for the rights of people’s choice of personal relationships - and for the rights of the families of all musicians’ - that they be treated ethically, and “with the utmost respect”. Thusly, all musicians should work together in peace, support one another and stand strong for the genre of Metal music - we are fighting to keep alive!; all Metal musicians should be respected, and appreciated for all the great music they share with all of us...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD.” Cheers, Niklaas Cyriis John Cyriis/Agent Steel Facebook Admin

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Das habe ich auch schon gelesen. :lol:
Sehr witzig auch: Der ganze Text enthält 6 (!) mal die Anschuldigung an Herrn Smith, "homophobic" gewesen zu sein. Dabei hat er lediglich vom - im Alienkontext nunmal auch nicht so abwegigen - "Probing" , im Klartext : Analsonden gesprochen.

Man kann sich das richtig bildlich vorstellen wie Her Filius Cyriis mit dem Fuß stampft , die Arme verschränkt und sagt "Nee, wenn die kommen , kommen wir nicht".
Secret Of Steel
Beiträge: 287
Registriert: 27. Mai 2017, 21:44

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Cromwell » 1. Februar 2020, 23:13

Viel dringender als eine Analsondenentfernung braucht der Mann einen Schreibkurs und einen Lektoren.
Und schon wieder geh'n wir zum Chinesen.
Beiträge: 3336
Registriert: 18. Mai 2010, 20:15

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Evilmastant » 8. Februar 2020, 16:09

Da ist das neue Album von "SHOK PARIS" erschienen und ich finde keine Möglichkeit es zu kaufen. Weiß jemand wo das Teil zum Erwerb feilgeboten wird?

If The Gods OF Hell Sentenced You To Die, Remember Well My Friend A Warlord Never Cries (Mark W. Shelton 1983)

Meine CDs: http://cloud.collectorz.com/200912/music
Beiträge: 2264
Registriert: 23. Januar 2010, 18:48
Wohnort: Mittelhase

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Angelus_Mortiis » 9. Februar 2020, 03:19

Secret Of Steel hat geschrieben:
Pavlos hat geschrieben:Agent Steel erfüllen mal wieder sämtliche Erwartungen und weigern sich auf dem kommenden Up The Hammers mit Riot City auf der selben Bühne zu stehen. Angeblich soll einer der Riot Cityaner Herrn Cyriis beleidigt haben...

A disheartening and disturbing statement from Niklaas Cyriis — JC/AS Facebook admin — and the family of John Cyriis — regarding Up the Hammers festival 2020. Agent Steel were very enthusiastic as to taking the stage os Friday night’s headliner at Up the Hammers Festival 2020, until a very disturbing event came about — which seriously concerned our family. The screenshots seen below show the bassist Dustin Smith, of the band RIOT CITY, replying to one of my comments made on a mutual friend’s post. The clear and outright homophobic libelous assault on John Cyriis and myself, his family, clearly shows the extreme bias this bassist has towards my father and our family — adding insult to injury his ignorance extends to homophobic libelous assaults upon the family members of John Cyriis, such as myself being his son —administrator of this John Cyriis/Agent Steel Official Facebook page. What makes this bassist’s “modus operandi” ever more disturbing is— the fact that “when I reached out to the promoter” of “Up the Hammers Festival” — forwarding him the below screenshots, clearly demonstrating Mr Smith’s homophobic libelous assault on my father and I, for absolutely no reason — the promoter acted in a heartless, and rude manner as his response to my plight. Therefore, this gives us a clear-cut understanding that if the inverse were to be staged by my father, or anyone in the new AGENT STEEL, we have all reason to believe the promoter would not hesitate for one-second—to respond with an all-out attack against John and the band — like a shark in bloody water. Basically, these kinds of libelous homophobic assaults — splatted from the diarrhea-mouth of Mr Smith — clearly demonstrates not only his ignorance and disrespect for a veteran vocalist in the Heavy Metal genre, but also demanded narrates his unflinching disrespect toward the family of musicians for whom hec as about to open the Shaw at UTH 2020: My father and I, have never met Dustin Smith, let alone exchanged any words with him during any other instance - on Facebook. Despite being a straight male, I have personally been a supporter of people’s choice and freedom of sexual orientation, and have always been taught to admire my fathers freedom loving stance as a stern supporter - of the LGBTQ community, and everyone’s life-given right to choose whom to love. From the onset of Mr Smith’s reply (written on January 11th), our family have had several meetings, and we have approached our father with an ultimatum: We presented him with the ultimatum that he either stand firm for what is right, and for the rights of all who do not deserve to be slandered and assaulted on Facebook — especially by libelous homophobic commentary — and of course, for the dignity of our family, by approaching the promoter of UTH 2020 —with his own ultimatum — or we would disown him as a family member: My father John Cyriis, has agreed with our family, and decided to allow his personal rep. — my half-brother Slim — to instead present the promoter of UTH - with his own personal ultimatum. Slim clearly stated to the promoter of UTH — that for principles associated with morality, our family’s right to retain our dignity, and the rights of all musicians’ family members that they too be allotted the right to not have to endure the kind of assaults - such as the ones implemented by Mr Smith - Mr. John Cyriis has decided not take the same stage as Mr Smith, and his band, RIOT CITY. Long story short, after reaching out to the promoter of UTH a second time, he once more replied by bluntly stating “RIOT CITY will play, do you want to cancel?” I am staying here, on behalf of John Cyriis and Agent Steel before the public and fans that AGENT STEEL the Friday night headliner of UTH 2020 - have NOT chosen to cancel the show, but for principles clearly stated in this post, have instead to clarify to the promoter of UTH - that the band will not take the same stage as Mr. Dustin Smith and his band. So in all fairness, if the promoter chooses to take the high-road and support Mr Smith’s libelous homophobic assault on John and his family — and worse, choose RIOT CITY over the festival’s headliner AGENT STEEL — then fans should inquiry as to the possibility of a refund for their pre-purchased ticket — by reaching out to either RIOT CITY, or the promoters at UP THE HAMMERS. We at the Agent Steel headquarters are very disheartened, and we apologize to the fans who were eager to see the new AGENT STEEL live at Up the Hammers — who are in fact the lineup that is to appear on the forthcoming release ‘No Godz Before Me.’ Finalizing, as most may fathom by now, principle, and justice— always stands at the forefront of John Cyriis’ decision making, especially when it involves his family, and the right that people not be bullied by ignorant garage band mercenaries - who may be trolling for other losers and “WANNA BE’S”. Regardless of the consequences following our expected reaction from the promoter claiming the band has cancelled, and we state here for the band that Agent Steel have done no such thing, we hope that those who read this post are now better informed as to the true circumstances that led to John Cyriis’ decision—to not take the same stage as Dustin Smith and RIOT CITY on Friday night at Up The Hammers Festival 2020. And so let me make it clear that “the perpetrator that is responsible for John’s decision - is clearly Dustin Smith, and the promoters UTH — not john and Agent Steel.” ; Agent Steel would gladly take the stage should UTH promoters choose to cancel Riot City from the running order. In closing, I would like to make a statement on behalf of my father, and AGENT STEEL: “AGENT STEEL IS A WORLD BAND”, and is NOT limited to having to do business with those who stand ruthless, and opposed -to the band’s principles, which are clearly the rights for all people to be respected, and who should agree that all should stand firm - for the rights of people’s choice of personal relationships - and for the rights of the families of all musicians’ - that they be treated ethically, and “with the utmost respect”. Thusly, all musicians should work together in peace, support one another and stand strong for the genre of Metal music - we are fighting to keep alive!; all Metal musicians should be respected, and appreciated for all the great music they share with all of us...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD.” Cheers, Niklaas Cyriis John Cyriis/Agent Steel Facebook Admin

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Das habe ich auch schon gelesen. :lol:
Sehr witzig auch: Der ganze Text enthält 6 (!) mal die Anschuldigung an Herrn Smith, "homophobic" gewesen zu sein. Dabei hat er lediglich vom - im Alienkontext nunmal auch nicht so abwegigen - "Probing" , im Klartext : Analsonden gesprochen.

Man kann sich das richtig bildlich vorstellen wie Her Filius Cyriis mit dem Fuß stampft , die Arme verschränkt und sagt "Nee, wenn die kommen , kommen wir nicht".

Der "Krieg" geht weiter:

Beiträge: 1934
Registriert: 4. Februar 2008, 22:03
Wohnort: Hofheim

Re: Hard N'Heavy News

Beitragvon Blacktiger » 9. Februar 2020, 10:43

Angelus_Mortiis hat geschrieben:
Secret Of Steel hat geschrieben:
Pavlos hat geschrieben:Agent Steel erfüllen mal wieder sämtliche Erwartungen und weigern sich auf dem kommenden Up The Hammers mit Riot City auf der selben Bühne zu stehen. Angeblich soll einer der Riot Cityaner Herrn Cyriis beleidigt haben...

A disheartening and disturbing statement from Niklaas Cyriis — JC/AS Facebook admin — and the family of John Cyriis — regarding Up the Hammers festival 2020. Agent Steel were very enthusiastic as to taking the stage os Friday night’s headliner at Up the Hammers Festival 2020, until a very disturbing event came about — which seriously concerned our family. The screenshots seen below show the bassist Dustin Smith, of the band RIOT CITY, replying to one of my comments made on a mutual friend’s post. The clear and outright homophobic libelous assault on John Cyriis and myself, his family, clearly shows the extreme bias this bassist has towards my father and our family — adding insult to injury his ignorance extends to homophobic libelous assaults upon the family members of John Cyriis, such as myself being his son —administrator of this John Cyriis/Agent Steel Official Facebook page. What makes this bassist’s “modus operandi” ever more disturbing is— the fact that “when I reached out to the promoter” of “Up the Hammers Festival” — forwarding him the below screenshots, clearly demonstrating Mr Smith’s homophobic libelous assault on my father and I, for absolutely no reason — the promoter acted in a heartless, and rude manner as his response to my plight. Therefore, this gives us a clear-cut understanding that if the inverse were to be staged by my father, or anyone in the new AGENT STEEL, we have all reason to believe the promoter would not hesitate for one-second—to respond with an all-out attack against John and the band — like a shark in bloody water. Basically, these kinds of libelous homophobic assaults — splatted from the diarrhea-mouth of Mr Smith — clearly demonstrates not only his ignorance and disrespect for a veteran vocalist in the Heavy Metal genre, but also demanded narrates his unflinching disrespect toward the family of musicians for whom hec as about to open the Shaw at UTH 2020: My father and I, have never met Dustin Smith, let alone exchanged any words with him during any other instance - on Facebook. Despite being a straight male, I have personally been a supporter of people’s choice and freedom of sexual orientation, and have always been taught to admire my fathers freedom loving stance as a stern supporter - of the LGBTQ community, and everyone’s life-given right to choose whom to love. From the onset of Mr Smith’s reply (written on January 11th), our family have had several meetings, and we have approached our father with an ultimatum: We presented him with the ultimatum that he either stand firm for what is right, and for the rights of all who do not deserve to be slandered and assaulted on Facebook — especially by libelous homophobic commentary — and of course, for the dignity of our family, by approaching the promoter of UTH 2020 —with his own ultimatum — or we would disown him as a family member: My father John Cyriis, has agreed with our family, and decided to allow his personal rep. — my half-brother Slim — to instead present the promoter of UTH - with his own personal ultimatum. Slim clearly stated to the promoter of UTH — that for principles associated with morality, our family’s right to retain our dignity, and the rights of all musicians’ family members that they too be allotted the right to not have to endure the kind of assaults - such as the ones implemented by Mr Smith - Mr. John Cyriis has decided not take the same stage as Mr Smith, and his band, RIOT CITY. Long story short, after reaching out to the promoter of UTH a second time, he once more replied by bluntly stating “RIOT CITY will play, do you want to cancel?” I am staying here, on behalf of John Cyriis and Agent Steel before the public and fans that AGENT STEEL the Friday night headliner of UTH 2020 - have NOT chosen to cancel the show, but for principles clearly stated in this post, have instead to clarify to the promoter of UTH - that the band will not take the same stage as Mr. Dustin Smith and his band. So in all fairness, if the promoter chooses to take the high-road and support Mr Smith’s libelous homophobic assault on John and his family — and worse, choose RIOT CITY over the festival’s headliner AGENT STEEL — then fans should inquiry as to the possibility of a refund for their pre-purchased ticket — by reaching out to either RIOT CITY, or the promoters at UP THE HAMMERS. We at the Agent Steel headquarters are very disheartened, and we apologize to the fans who were eager to see the new AGENT STEEL live at Up the Hammers — who are in fact the lineup that is to appear on the forthcoming release ‘No Godz Before Me.’ Finalizing, as most may fathom by now, principle, and justice— always stands at the forefront of John Cyriis’ decision making, especially when it involves his family, and the right that people not be bullied by ignorant garage band mercenaries - who may be trolling for other losers and “WANNA BE’S”. Regardless of the consequences following our expected reaction from the promoter claiming the band has cancelled, and we state here for the band that Agent Steel have done no such thing, we hope that those who read this post are now better informed as to the true circumstances that led to John Cyriis’ decision—to not take the same stage as Dustin Smith and RIOT CITY on Friday night at Up The Hammers Festival 2020. And so let me make it clear that “the perpetrator that is responsible for John’s decision - is clearly Dustin Smith, and the promoters UTH — not john and Agent Steel.” ; Agent Steel would gladly take the stage should UTH promoters choose to cancel Riot City from the running order. In closing, I would like to make a statement on behalf of my father, and AGENT STEEL: “AGENT STEEL IS A WORLD BAND”, and is NOT limited to having to do business with those who stand ruthless, and opposed -to the band’s principles, which are clearly the rights for all people to be respected, and who should agree that all should stand firm - for the rights of people’s choice of personal relationships - and for the rights of the families of all musicians’ - that they be treated ethically, and “with the utmost respect”. Thusly, all musicians should work together in peace, support one another and stand strong for the genre of Metal music - we are fighting to keep alive!; all Metal musicians should be respected, and appreciated for all the great music they share with all of us...THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD.” Cheers, Niklaas Cyriis John Cyriis/Agent Steel Facebook Admin

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Das habe ich auch schon gelesen. :lol:
Sehr witzig auch: Der ganze Text enthält 6 (!) mal die Anschuldigung an Herrn Smith, "homophobic" gewesen zu sein. Dabei hat er lediglich vom - im Alienkontext nunmal auch nicht so abwegigen - "Probing" , im Klartext : Analsonden gesprochen.

Man kann sich das richtig bildlich vorstellen wie Her Filius Cyriis mit dem Fuß stampft , die Arme verschränkt und sagt "Nee, wenn die kommen , kommen wir nicht".

Der "Krieg" geht weiter:


Schönes neues Gesamt-Billing jetzt :yeah:

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Registriert: 26. April 2010, 20:49


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